Entries by Ieteke

The City on 2 Continents (1)

Istanbul. The only metropolis in the world situated on two continents. Europe and Asia. It might be the largest city in Turkey with a population of 15 million people, but it is not the capital. That is Ankara. Just saying. With travelling also a favourite activity, this has definitely been one of the most exciting […]

5 Things that make me happy

You know that song about favourite things… yes, from The Sound of Music? Well, if you think about it, we all have favourite things that make us happy….   I was thinking about things in my house that I use (almost) daily and that bring a certain joy to my life.  Makes my life better.  […]

Easy Banana Bread Recipe

It was during the first lockdown, way back in March last year, that people started baking banana bread, more than usual.   Banana bread usually gets baked when you look at the fruit bowl and see three overripe bananas … So, instead of throwing them out you can actually make something delicious. It is also […]

Two Books Two Reviews

“Autumn leaves don’t fall, they fly. They take their time and wander on this their only chance to soar.” Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens, published by GP Putnam’s Sons. Many people who I perceive as avid readers and who would read the same type of books I do, have told me about this […]

Macaroni Cheese – ultimate comfort food

I love comfort food. If food could hug, this would be that kind of food.  It makes you feel warm and cosy and comfortable, outside and inside. During these times when we can’t really meet up and have to stay in our own little bubble, keep to ourselves, it helps to eat food that makes […]

Good things about 2020

  With 2021 still in its baby shoes, most of us are glad 2020 is over.  It was an unprecedented year to say the least.  Millions of people got infected by the Covid-19 coronavirus. More than one million sadly died.  Governments the world over handled this virus in many different ways, although also quite similar […]

Glühwein for Christmas

I remember we were in Germany one December. That was when we still didn’t think twice about travelling and flying.  Somewhere on a square in a German city.  It was bitterly cold.  But that smell …. it was amazing.  Oranges, cloves, cinnamon, cardamom and wine.  Warm and comforting.  Yes, glühwein, the perfect drink to warm […]

‘Silent Night’ and other Carols

It was 1914.  The First World War. A bitter cold winter in the trenches for soldiers on the Western Front. Bleak, with little hope that the fighting would stop over Christmas.  Then, on Christmas Eve, the English soldiers suddenly heard something familiar in the distance.  The tune was familiar, the words not.  Stille Nacht sung […]

Shortbread for Christmas

What better biscuit to bake for Christmas than shortbread? Gingerbread is definitely a close second. However, this blog is about shortbread…. The Scotts claimed to have ‘invented’ shortbread in the 12th century when shortbread started out as biscuit bread or rusks. Biscuits were made from left-over bread dough, sometimes sweetened, and dried out in the oven to form […]

Christmas crafts for all

In this new kind of normal with social distancing and masks it is still imperative that we make the Christmas season the special time it always is, a celebration. So, I thought to get you in the mood I’ll make a few Christmas inspired crafts which are relatively easy and cheap to make. You don’t […]