Entries by Ieteke

A hidden gem in Europe

We recently travelled to Wrocław (pronounced VROHTS-wahf) in Poland. A hidden gem, I would say. It was magnificent, I thoroughly enjoyed the city. Looking at where to travel – this was end of the summer – we decided to go for a place famous for its Christmas markets. And the destination needed to have flights […]

Saadian Dynasty in Marrakesh

Whenever we travel to a country or place we’ve never been to, I find it essential to put the country in context. Meaning where does it appear in history, how old is it, what happened in this specific country, which wars marred the country, what sadness hides beneath the façade. I find it helps to […]

The Joys of Morocco

The joy of travelling to a country not seen before was tangible during our recent travels to Morocco. Not sure what I expected, but the genuine love the locals have for their country was a delightful surprise. We travelled to the northern part of the African continent at the start of the summer. Marrakesh, although […]

Sewing while using Lutterloh

Sewing is one of my favourite hobbies. Creative, relaxing (well, most of the time),  improving skills, problem-solving, good for the environment, less fast fashion, my clothes are unique… there are just so many reasons why I love sewing. The system Although I’ve been sewing since I was a student, I only heard about the Lutterloh […]

Memorials and Statues on Holiday

While the leaves here in Ireland are changing colours and we’re heading for winter, I’m remembering some beautiful places we visited over the summer. During our time in Hungary and bordering countries we discovered many memorials and statues. Some dreadfully sad and others hilarious. Memorials and statues are usually built to focus on a historic […]

Two Castles to admire

Summer in Ireland. During this time many tourists delight in some of the lovely places where we make a living. Including Limerick, the third biggest city in Ireland. There are many pretty spots for people to enjoy in this city, like beautiful churches, shops, markets and parks. Then there are two castles – one in […]

What is it about Rooibos Tea?

The smell and taste of rooibos tea, redbush or red tea is something you’ll either love or hate. Rooibos tea indeed has a unique taste, but is well-known for its many health benefits. As far as I know the Cederberg in the Western Cape, South Africa, is the only place in the world where the […]

Make Your Space Your Own

It’s pleasing on the eye to have a space designed which looks like a picture out of a designer magazine. But, we all know if your interior looks exactly like the one next door, it unfortunately lacks personality and is forgettable. Don’t get me wrong, there is no harm in creating a beautiful designed interior […]

Tray bake jam slices

What is a tray bake?  It is a cake baked in a tray and then cut into slices.  I love making tray bakes. It is mostly straightforward and usually tastes delicious. Also an easy way to bake far more than you need in one go! The other day I went through my recipe books looking […]

Spices in my cupboard

I don’t like to follow a recipe to the letter. Maybe because I get bored easily with cooking and baking. This, however, might be a reason why I love using spices and experimenting with them when cooking and baking. Spices really help to make food and drink taste unique. There are certain spices I use […]