featured image of two tops

Sewing while using Lutterloh

Sewing is one of my favourite hobbies. Creative, relaxing (well, most of the time),  improving skills, problem-solving, good for the environment, less fast fashion, my clothes are unique... there are just so many reasons why…
King John's Castle

Two Castles to admire

Summer in Ireland. During this time many tourists delight in some of the lovely places where we make a living. Including Limerick, the third biggest city in Ireland. There are many pretty spots for people to enjoy in this city,…
rooibos redbush red tea

What is it about Rooibos Tea?

The smell and taste of rooibos tea, redbush or red tea is something you'll either love or hate. Rooibos tea indeed has a unique taste, but is well-known for its many health benefits. As far as I know the Cederberg in the Western…
spices in my cupboard

Spices in my cupboard

I don't like to follow a recipe to the letter. Maybe because I get bored easily with cooking and baking. This, however, might be a reason why I love using spices and experimenting with them when cooking and baking. Spices…
the blessing of sisters

The blessing of sisters

When I was pregnant with our second daughter, many people told me how wonderful it would be if we had a son this time around. In those days you usually didn’t find out the sex of your unborn baby, or not that early. Or you…

How to boost your creativity?

"The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt.”Sylvia Plath Much has been written and said about creativity. To be creative is not only about being an artist or performer. It is about finding new and innovative ways to…
good cup of coffee

The name behind the blog

What is it about coffee that people really love and enjoy? Is it the smell, the taste or maybe both? With the name of my blog - With Your Coffee - it definitely says something about my relationship with coffee. In essence I…

Settling in another country

  Migration to other countries has always been part of our lives. Just think about the different nomadic tribes who seem to constantly move from place to place. Likewise people who go and settle in another country…
hacks for life

Some random life hacks

Most of us have a few 'survival skills' up our sleeves. Skills that make our days, weeks and years run a bit easier, more smoothly. We all have certain life hacks that help us. Some tips, tricks, coping skills or efficient methods…
St Patrick

St Patrick’s Day

Tomorrow is St Patrick's Day and this year, like last year, it will be a very different event in Ireland. There will be no marches and bands, no get-togethers and parties. People are encouraged to stay home. Celebrating only…